
Latin Hip Fat Grafting


Doctor : Chae Hong Jung

Surgery Date : 2018.04.20

My first hip fat grafting was transplanted from my belly, however, I did my secondary transplantation from my arms. As the doctor said 3 weeks after secondary transplanation is the most effective and see the dramatic result. Arm Liposuction: extracted 1400cc, Transplanation on Hip: 800cc Can you see my S curved line, especially from waist to hip line? I think I did a good job when I looked at my hip haha At the first time, I was struggling with swelling and bruises and it was temporary pain so I can handle it. Course, the hardness was also, not as bad as I expected it to. (I believe it is one of the techniques that doctors have) I did not used to wear tight clothes but now, I keep looking for tight dresses so that I can show my butt. I think just a skinny body is not always good but needs a curved line from the waist to the hipline to complete the bodyline. Operation at Pretty Body Clinic was quite lucky to me without any doubt.

After 70 Days

2 months later